Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for children for the first 4 to 6 months of life, with complementary foods added thereafter. It is the most ecological way of protecting the child's and mother's health. Training of health professionals is required to avoid transmitting inconsistent information in 3 areas: 1) implementing these 3 predictors: safe skin‐to‐skin, first breastfeed, and rooming‐in 24/7; 2) teaching and monitoring: i) early signs of waking and feeding rhythms, ii) positioning and latching, and iii) signs of effective transfer; and 3) referring women to specialized support services if difficulties arise (eg, inadequate milk production, pain, cracked nipples, engorgement). Breastfeeding should continue during mastitis or an abscess. Ultrasound‐guided needle aspiration is beneficial in treating an abscess.
Précis: Information is provided to enable health professionals to better support breastfeeding and help women with the most common difficulties, thus promoting breastfeeding initiation and duration.