1990. The in vitro effects of benomyl on disease tolerance, ectomycorrhiza formation, and growth of white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings. Can. J. Bot. 68: 444-448. The influence of benomyl (methyl 1-(butylcarbamoy1)-2-benzimidazolecarbamate) on disease tolerance, growth, and mycorrhization of aseptically grown white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings was assayed using the growth pouch technique. Six-day-old seedlings were inoculated concurrently with plugs of a pathogenic fungus Mycelium radicis atrovirens and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor. Treatment with benomyl (100 ppm) reduced the pathogenic effects of M. radicis atrovirens, enhanced mycorrhization, and improved both shoot and overall seedling growth. The fungicidal activity of beno-my1 and improved mycorrhization by L. bicolor may both have influenced the pathogenicity of M. radicis atrovirens. A reduction in fungal competition within the seedling rhizosphere may improve the access of L. bicolor to potential colonization sites. DE LA BASTIDE, P. Y., et KENDRICK, B. 1990. The in vitro effects of benomyl on disease tolerance, ectomycorrhiza formation, and growth of white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings. Can. J. Bot. 68 : 444-448. Les auteurs ont CtudiC l'influence du bCnomyl (mCthyl l(butylcarbamoy1)-2-benzimidazolecarbamate) sur la risistance ii la maladie, la croissance et la mycorhization de plants cultivks aseptiquement (Pinus strobus) en utilisant la technique de sachets de croissance. Des plantules 5gees de 6 jours ont Ct C inoculCes simultanCment avec des cylindres du champignon pathogene Mycelium radicis atrovirens et du champignon ectomycorhizien Laccaria bicolor. Le traitement au bCnomyl (100 ppm) rCduit les effets pathogeniques du M. radicis atrovirens, stimule le dCveloppement des mycorhizes et ameliore a la fois la croissance de la tige et de l'ensemble du semis. L'activiti fongicide du bCnomyl et 1'amClioration du dCveloppement mycorhizien par le L. bicolor pourraient ensemble avoir influence la pathogenicit6 du M. radicis atrovirens. Une rCduction de la competition fongique dans la rhizosphere de la plantule pourrait ameliorer l'acces du L. bicolor ii des sites potentiels de colonisation.[Traduit par la revue]