Goat milk, like cow milk, needs some modifications to be used as the sole source of nutrition during early infancy. For goat milk to be more like human milk and more nutritionally complete, sugar, vitamins and minerals need to be added to it and for reduction of renal solute load, it needs to be diluted. To prevent megaloblastic anemia in infants fed exclusively on goat milk, folic acid should be supplied either by adding it to goat milk or by an oral folic acid supplement. In fortification of milk products, thermal processing, fermentation, and species differences in milk folate bioavailability are three additional factors that should be considered besides absolute difference in folate concentration between goat and human milk. Whether different feeding regimes (e.g., iron and folate content of diets) influence milk folate content needs to be elucidated by more research. Our findings showed that fermented goat milk during anemia recovery can be improve antioxidant status, protection from oxidative damage to biomolecules, protective effects on testis, improve Fe and skeletal muscle homeostasis as well as improve cardiovascular health.
Practical applications
To be used as part of a postweaning nutritionally well‐balanced diet, fermented goat milk is most likely an excellent source of nutrition for the human.