Immature seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris cv Taylor's Horticultural removed from the pod at 32 days of development do not germinate unless first subjected to desiccation. Our results show that premature drying not only redirects metabolism from a developmental to a germination program but it does so permanently, thus effecting an irreversible switch. This is shown by in vitro protein synthesis, and analysis of poly(A)' mRNA with a cDNA probe specific for phaseolin message. For example, the pattern of proteins synthesized in vitro by the mRNA fraction from fresh and prematurely dried axes show strong similarities; on the other hand, the mRNA population from rehydrated axes code for a different set of proteins. Also, the message for phaseolin is preserved following the normal maturation process and premature desiccation of seeds. Following rehydration of immature seeds at the desiccation-tolerant stage, this message is no longer detectable in the axes.For most seeds, maturation drying is the terminal event in development, leading to a state of metabolic quiescence. Prior to this event, the metabolism of the seed is geared towards the completion of developmental events, in particular the biosynthesis and deposition of stored reserves. Following drying, on the other hand, the seed's metabolism is exclusively related to germination and growth; reserve deposition ceases and hydrolytic processes resulting in the degradation of the storage reserves are instituted (2,14,21,25,28 with a cloned cDNA probe for phaseolin, the major storage protein, we have shown that the changes occur in the protein profiles in response to premature desiccation of Phaseolus vulgaris. The changes are due to differences in the translatable message population between developing and germinating axes, and mimic those changes which occur during the normal course of maturation drying.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPhaseolus vulgaris seeds (cv Taylor's Horticultural) were purchased from Asgrow Canada Ltd., Brantford, Ontario, and stored at 4°C. Developing seeds were harvested from plants grown under natural and artificial daylight conditions in a greenhouse. Seeds were pooled according to their developmental stages, as described by Walbot et al. (35), and used either in the fresh state or after drying in screw-cap jars over activated silica gel at room temperature for 48 h. Where required, seeds were imbibed in sterile distilled H20 in darkness at 22C. For RNA extraction, axes of imbibed mature seeds and fresh immature seeds were frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -70°C.Extraction of RNA. Bulk RNA from embryo axes was prepared by phenol:chloroform extraction (7). The plant tissue was ground to a fine powder with liquid N2 in a mortar and pestle. Two g of powder were suspended in an emulsion that was prepared by mixing 10 ml of phenol with 10 ml of 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 9.0) containing 100 mM NaCl, 2 mm EDTA, and 1% SDS [w/v]. The suspension was blended at room temperature by five 8-s bursts ofa Teckman Tissuemizer (John's Scientific, Toronto) and the r...