Transition paths represent the parts of a reaction where the energy barrier separating products and reactants is crossed. They are essential to understanding reaction mechanisms, yet many of their properties remain unstudied. Here, we report measurements of the average shape of transition paths, studying the folding of DNA hairpins as a model system for folding reactions. Individual transition paths were detected in the folding trajectories of hairpins with different sequences held under tension in optical tweezers, and path shapes were computed by averaging all transitions in the time domain, 〈t(x)〉, or by averaging transitions of a given duration in the extension domain, 〈x(tjτ)〉 τ . Whereas 〈t(x)〉 was close to straight, with only a subtle curvature, 〈x(tjτ)〉 τ had more pronounced curvature that fit well to theoretical expectations for the dominant transition path, returning diffusion coefficients similar to values obtained previously from independent methods. Simulations suggested that 〈t(x)〉 provided a less reliable representation of the path shape than 〈x(tjτ)〉 τ , because it was far more sensitive to the effects of coupling the molecule to the experimental force probe. Intriguingly, the path shape variance was larger for some hairpins than others, indicating sequence-dependent changes in the diversity of transition paths reflective of differences in the character of the energy barriers, such as the width of the barrier saddle-point or the presence of parallel paths through multiple barriers between the folded and unfolded states. These studies of average path shapes point the way forward for probing the rich information contained in path shape fluctuations. energy landscapes | diffusive reactions | DNA hairpins | optical tweezers T ransition paths involve those segments of a reaction during which the energy barrier between reactants and products is crossed (1, 2). They represent the most interesting part of any reaction because they exclude the nonproductive fluctuations, focusing only on the productive portions of the trajectories (Fig. 1). In particular, the high-energy states occupied along the transition paths dominate the reaction kinetics and effectively encode the reaction mechanism. Transition paths are especially interesting for understanding the folding of biological molecules like proteins and nucleic acids, because of the variety and complexity of possible mechanisms. They are technically challenging to measure in folding reactions, however, because they can only be observed in single molecules and have a very brief duration. As a result, it has only recently become possible to measure transition path properties directly (3). Work to date using fluorescence and force spectroscopy has probed properties such as the average transition path time for proteins and nucleic acids (4-8), the variations in transit times for individual transitions (9, 10), the occupancy statistics within transition paths (11,12), the distribution of velocities along the transition paths (13), and the agreement between expe...