Abstract:The first demonstration of how biochemical changes in neurons in specific parts of the brain direct a complete mammalian behavior derived from the effects of estrogens in hypothalamic neurons that facilitate lordosis behavior, the primary reproductive behavior of female quadrupeds (Pfaff. Estrogens and Brain Function . 1980; Pfaff. Drive: Neurobiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Sexual Motivation. 1999). Sex behaviors depend on sexual arousal that in turn depends on a primitive function: generalized CNS arousal (Pfaff. Brain Arousal and Information Theory . 2006). Here we summarize one of the ways in which a generalized arousal transmitter, norepinephrine, can influence the electrical excitability of ventromedial hypothalamic cells in a way that will foster female sex behavior.Key words : estrogens, hypothalamus, sex, genomic, behavior.
Neuroendocrinology began with work by G. Harris inOxford, M. Kawakami in Yokohama, C. Sawyer in Los Angeles, and others. That generation of neuroendocrinologists endeavored to explain how the brain regulates secretions from the pituitary, secretions that control the peripheral endocrine organs. We, in contrast, have worked to explain how hormones secreted from these peripheral organs influence brain activity in such a way as to regulate behavior. To review this work in reasonable length, we have contracted and modifi ed our contribution to the second edition of Hormones, Brain and Behavior and have concentrated on the transition from explaining a specifi c estrogen-facilitated sex behavior to the analysis of a global brain function, generalized CNS arousal.Our lab's research has proceeded through four steps to demonstrate how steroid hormone effects on nerve cells can direct natural, instinctive behaviors, as follows.First: Discovering exact cellular targets for steroid hormones in the brain. A system of hypothalamic and limbic forebrain neurons with sex hormone receptors, discovered in rodents [1, 2] was later found to be present in species ranging from fi sh through primates. This hormone-sensitive system apparently is a general feature of the vertebrate brain. In situ hybridization studies to distinguish gene expression for estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) from estrogen receptor beta (ER-beta) revealed remarkably different distributions for the two [3] and showed the estrogenic-feedback sensitivity of ER-alpha gene expression [4]. Hamada et al. [5] have visualized these ER-alpha-producing cells using modern transgenic techniques. In the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, not only ER-alpha, but also ER-beta mRNA can be downregulated by estradiol administration [6]. Musatov et al. [7] used an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector encoding a small interfering RNA (siRNA) directed against the mRNA for ER-alpha and microinjected it into VMN with the result that proceptive and lordosis behaviors were abolished.Second: Working out the neural circuitry for hormonedependent female reproductive behavior, the fi rst behavior circuit elucidated for any mammal [8,9]. E...