Photoreceptors of Drosophila compound eye employ a G proteinmediated signaling pathway that transduces single photons into transient electrical responses called ''quantum bumps'' (QB). Although most of the molecular components of this pathway are already known, the system-level understanding of the mechanism of QB generation has remained elusive. Here, we present a quantitative model explaining how QBs emerge from stochastic nonlinear dynamics of the signaling cascade. The model shows that the cascade acts as an ''integrate and fire'' device and explains how photoreceptors achieve reliable responses to light although keeping low background in the dark. The model predicts the nontrivial behavior of mutants that enhance or suppress signaling and explains the dependence on external calcium, which controls feedback regulation. The results provide insight into physiological questions such as single-photon response efficiency and the adaptation of response to high incident-light level. The system-level analysis enabled by modeling phototransduction provides a foundation for understanding G protein signaling pathways less amenable to quantitative approaches.G protein-coupled receptor pathway ͉ phototransduction ͉ quantitative modeling S ignal transduction is one of the fundamental functions of the cell. It invariably involves a protein receptor specialized for a certain stimulus and a cascade of molecular transformations typically leading to a macroscopic change in the state of the cell. Understanding signal transduction requires more than knowing the molecular components of the pathway. One also needs to understand sensitivity, noise, spatial localization, dynamic range and adaptation-a plethora of quantitative features-that characterize the system-level function of the signaling pathway. Drosophila phototransduction is a signaling system of unmatched experimental tractability. It offers a readily controllable stimulus (light) and a readily accessible output (electric depolarization that can be accurately measured for single cells) as well as access to numerous mutants with interesting phenotypes and a possibility to perturb the system by manipulating the ionic composition of the buffer solution. This makes possible a quantitative experimental characterization and provides a unique opportunity to develop and test quantitative modeling approaches. Below, after describing Drosophila phototransduction, we present, analyze, and discuss a quantitative model of this pathway and its dynamic behavior.The single-photon response of a Drosophila photoreceptor cell involves coordinated opening of 15-20 ion channels (1), which corresponds to Ϸ15 pA inward current for 20 ms (Fig. 1a). Individual quantum bumps (QBs) under physiological conditions have a largely stereotypic shape (1), but they occur with a variable delay (or ''latency'') after light stimulus (Fig. 1a), suggesting that phototransduction cascade transforms single-photon absorption into a regenerative, nonlinear depolarization event.The major biochemical steps of the si...