Spine morphology is regulated by intracellular signals, like PKC, that affect cytoskeletal and membrane dynamics. We investigated the role of MARCKS (myristoylated, alanine-rich C-kinase substrate) in dendrites of 3-week-old hippocampal cultures. MARCKS associates with membranes via the combined action of myristoylation and a polybasic effector domain, which binds phospholipids and/or F-actin, unless phosphorylated by PKC. Knockdown of endogenous MARCKS using RNAi reduced spine density and size. PKC activation induced similar effects, which were prevented by expression of a nonphosphorylatable mutant. Moreover, expression of pseudophosphorylated MARCKS was, by itself, sufficient to induce spine loss and shrinkage, accompanied by reduced F-actin content. Nonphosphorylatable MARCKS caused spine elongation and increased the mobility of spine actin clusters. Surprisingly, it also decreased spine density via a novel mechanism of spine fusion, an effect that required the myristoylation sequence. Thus, MARCKS is a key factor in the maintenance of dendritic spines and contributes to PKC-dependent morphological plasticity.