Current methods for predicting protein structure depend on two interrelated components: (i) an energy function that should have a low value near the correct structure and (ii) a method for searching through different conformations of the polypeptide chain. Identification of the most efficient search methods is essential if we are to be able to apply such methods broadly and with confidence. In addition, efficient search methods provide a rigorous test of existing energy functions, which are generally knowl- By using a set of nonnative low-energy structures found by our extensive sampling, we discovered that the long-range and short-range backbone hydrogen-bonding energy terms of the Rosetta energy discriminate between the nonnative and native-like structures significantly better than the low-resolution score used in Rosetta.conformational search ͉ protein folding ͉ Rosetta force field P redicting the functional 3-dimensional structure (the native state) of a protein from its amino acid sequences is of central importance to structural and functional biology and has enormous applications in alleviating human disease. Even if the structures of all proteins were known, we would still not be able to answer questions related to diseases directly caused by protein misfolding, such as certain types of cancer and Alzheimer's and Parkinson disease. For this we would need to understand the physical basis of the energy terms that make the native state so special. Such understanding of the energetics of the system would also lead to more efficient and comprehensive drug design. Structure prediction depends on solving two problems: (i) describing the energy function with sufficient accuracy and (ii) searching the conformational space sufficiently well. These problems are particularly severe for proteins of biologically relevant lengths (Ͼ150 aa).In this work we focus on conformational sampling, which has been recognized as the critical step in high-resolution structure prediction (1-3). Most widely used standard methods for de novo structure prediction are based on the variants of the Monte Carlo method (4-6) and are unable to explore low-energy regions efficiently because of the ruggedness of the potential energy surface. To overcome these problems, a number of generalized ensemble Monte Carlo methods have been developed (7-10). These methods strive to search energy space better by computing the density of states, sampling expanded ranges of temperatures, or computing other physical quantities affecting transitions between the states during the search. In particular, advanced methods such as Temperature Replica Exchange Monte Carlo (TREM) (8) and Hamiltonian Replica Exchange Monte Carlo (HREM) (10), have been shown to outperform standard Monte Carlo in terms of sampling for both simplified and all-atom force fields of small proteins (8,10,11).For longer proteins, the computational cost and ruggedness of the all-atom energy function makes solving this problem particularly challenging as evidenced by the modest success of full...