8PLANT PHYSIOLOGY using a reciprocal grafting experiment. The materials studied were cherry-red and redi-free selections from N. tabacum cv. 401 and their hybrids with N.sylvestris.Flue-curing decrease I the nicotine, total alkaloid content, and the ratio of nicotine to total alkaloid content and increased the nornicotine content in converter entries whereas the alkaloid composition of the nonconverter entry remained essentially unchanged.Grafting per se did not influence thle level of alkaloid production in these materials. The degreee of conversion and alkaloid production in a scion or host was nat influenced by the other graft component.The entries serving either as scion or host exhibite l increasing conversion capability in the order RF, RFX, CR, and CRX. In their ability to supply scions with alkaloid the entries differed in the increasing order CRX, RFX, CR, and RF. Nornicotine was not transferred from the scion to host in the case of converter scions (levelopel on a red-free host.Conversion capability is associated Nvith genotype.