Changes in pH and in protein extractability were determined in turkey breast muscles from anesthetized and nonanesthetized birds from O-72 hr post-mortem. Shear values were measured on cooked meat after 72 hr post-mortem aging. Total extractable-, total soluble fibrillar pro rein-, soluble actomyosin-, sarcoplasmic protein-, nonprotein-, and unextracted alkali soluble protein-nitrogen values were determined. These values remained fairly constant during the first hour post-mortem in muscles from anesthetized birds, but began to change immediately in muscles from control birds. Total extractable nitrogen, total soluble fibrilfar protein nitrogen and soluble actomyosin nitrogen extracted from muscles of control birds increased during post-mortem aging. These fractions in muscles from o her species either remain the same during rigor development or decrease. The muscles of anesthetized birds were more tender (measured by shear value) than those from the control birds.