Compared with faba bean globulin the improved flow, gelifying, surface and emulsifying properties of aqueous solution of the corresponding acetylated derivatives are reflected in O/W emulsions by their enhanced stability.Investigations were made concerning the changes of the flow, gelifying [l], surface [2] and emulsifying [2,3] behaviour of aqueous faba bean globulin solutions dependent on their acetylation degree and the rheological properties of O/W emulsions stabilized by acetylated faba bean globulins [4]. The aim of the present paper is to extend our knowledge with regard to the time-dependent interfacial tension of oil-water interface for absorption from faba bean globulin solutions and to the long-term stability of corresponding Om-emulsions.
Materials and methodsFaba bean globulin was used, prepared from faba bean flour by extraction at pH 7.5. Acetylation (degree -97 %) occurred during the extraction after adding acetic anhydride [5].Commercial and purified sunflower oil was used as the oil phase. For purification the sunflower oil was mixed 1 : 2 with aluminum oxide (standardized according to BROCKMANN) and shaken for 30 min at room temperature; fitration was repeated twice through a paper (Nr. 238 ; VEB Spaialpapierfabrik Niederschlag, GDR) filter. The so treated oil contained: free fatty acids 0.01 %; carbonyls 13 mg hexana1/100 g; peroxides 2 ml 0.002 N Na,S,O,/g; phosphatides non-detectable.The interfacial tension between aqueous protein solution and oil was measured by the ring method of DU Nouv using a tensiometer (Fa. Kriiss, Hamburg, FRG).O/W emulsions were prepared by dissolving protein in bidistilled water containing 0.02 % NaN, as preservative and stirred continously with a magnetic stirrer for 2 h. The solution obtained was centrifugated at 15,000 x g for 30 min; the content of protein was determined and the solution diluted to the required concentration.Sunflower oil was added slowly to the aqueous phase and dispersed with a magnetic stirrer. This coarse emulsion was then homogenized by an ultrasonic disintegrator USD-20 (Academy of Sciences of the GDR VDE Berlin-Buch) under the following conditions : temperature 50 "C, power 400 W/cm', sonification time 3 times each for 1 min in 3 min intervals. The pH of the homogenized emulsions was 6.5 and was adjusted with 0.5 N NaOH or 2 N HCI with the aid of a special blade stirrer. The emulsions were stored at +4 -6 "C for 24 h before evaluating apparent viscosity and oil droplet size distribution.The apparent viscosity of the emulsions was determined at 25 "C by means of the rotating viscosimeter Rheotest 2 (VEB MLW Medingen, GDR), a coaxial cylinder system with a gap of 1 mm (measuring system s 1).The oil droplet size distribution in the emulsion was assessed with the statistical diameter according to FERET using a light microscope at 600 x magnification WEB Carl Zeiss, Jena, GDR); for this purpose the emulsion is diluted 1 : lo00 with 0.05 % aqueous sodium dodecyl sulphate solution [6].