Empirical and modeling studies of the N cycle in temperate forests of eastern North America have focused on the mechanisms regulating the production of inorganic N, and assumed that only inorganic forms of N are available for plant growth. Recent isotope studies in field conditions suggest that amino acid capture is a widespread ecological phenomenon, although northern temperate forests have yet to be studied. We quantified fine root biomass and applied tracer-level quantities of U-(13)C(2)-(15)N-glycine, (15)NH(4) (+) and (15)NO(3) (-) in two stands, one dominated by sugar maple and white ash, the other dominated by red oak, beech, and hemlock, to assess the importance of amino acids to the N nutrition of northeastern US forests. Significant enrichment of (13)C in fine roots 2 and 5 h following tracer application indicated intact glycine uptake in both stands. Glycine accounted for up to 77% of total N uptake in the oak-beech-hemlock stand, a stand that produces recalcitrant litter, cycles N slowly and has a thick, amino acid-rich organic horizon. By contrast, glycine accounted for only 20% of total N uptake in the sugar maple and white ash stand, a stand characterized by labile litter and rapid rates of amino acid production and turnover resulting in high rates of mineralization and nitrification. This study shows that amino acid uptake is an important process occurring in two widespread, northeastern US temperate forest types with widely differing rates of N cycling.