2008. Outcome of Bt transgenes and protein in corn silage, processed grains, and rumen content. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 85Á95. The environmental impact of transgenic plants has been questioned due to the potential persistence of proteins encoded by transgenes and horizontal gene transfer from the plant to gut microbes. The outcome of the encoded Bt [cry1A(b)] protein and transgene fragments cry1A(b), bar, and bla) was monitored in silage and processed grains of two commercial Bt11 (NK N44-P4 Bt LL and NK N27-M3 Bt LL) and one Bt176 (Elite N09-K9 Bt) corn hybrids. The three Bt-corn hybrids with their non-Bt isolines were field-grown in four replicates. Seven 1.4-kg capacity mini-silos were prepared per plot and then opened after 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 d. For each hybrid, two 500-kg plastic bag silos were also prepared, sampled after 30 and 198 d, and used in a feeding trial. In the mini-silos, the transgene fragments could no longer be amplified 32 d after ensiling. In the 500-kg plastic bag silos, the transgene fragments were still detectable in the three Bt hybrid silages 30 and 198 d after ensiling. At ensiling, the Bt protein concentration was 2.69, 4.11, and 0.83 mg g(1 DM for the Bt hybrids N44-P4, N27-M3, and N09-K9, respectively. After 64 d of fermentation in the mini-silos, the concentration was 4, 2, and 1% of the initial concentration, respectively, but was 16, 9, and 9% after 198 d in the 500-kg silos. After stringent processing treatments, transgene fragments, except the bla gene fragment, could still be amplified from corn grains. The Bt protein concentration in corn grain of the three Bt hybrids (initially 61, 239, and 21 ng g Á1 DM, respectively) decreased by 35, 74, and 67%, respectively, after micronization, by 92, 98, and 89% after extrusion, and by 100% after flaking. After 7 d of feeding Bt corn silage to six dairy cows, Bt protein increased in ruminal digesta with higher concentrations for Bt11 hybrids than the Bt176 hybrid; in all cases, however, concentrations were very low in forage digesta and below detection levels in rumen fluid.