Breast cancer is a major health problem that each year affects the lives of millions of women worldwide. In 2008, in the United States alone, ϳ180,000 women were diagnosed with invasive breast carcinoma (1). The use of high-throughput gene expression technologies applied to the study of human breast cancer has lead to the discovery of the "intrinsic gene signatures" that stratify human breast cancers into four subtypes that correlate remarkably well with clinically recognized breast cancer subtypes (2-6). These subtypes include "HER2ϩ," "basal," and "luminal A," "luminal B" breast cancers. HER2ϩ tumors are most frequently estrogen receptor (ER)-1 , express proliferation genes, as well as Her-2 and other genes linked to this latter locus. The basal tumors are most commonly ER negative, progesterone receptor negative and Her-2 negative. The luminal A and luminal B tumors express luminal cytokeratins, the estrogen receptor (ER), and trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor (GATA3).The luminal breast cancers (both A and B subtypes) constitute ϳ70% of all human breast cancers diagnosed worldwide. In general, the luminal breast cancers are associated with favorable prognosis as compared with the HER2ϩ and basal subtypes. Nevertheless, luminal B tumors have a worse prognosis than luminal A tumors, and recent data suggest