The Model Organism Protein Expression Database (MOPED,, is an expanding proteomics resource to enable biological and biomedical discoveries. MOPED aggregates simple, standardized and consistently processed summaries of protein expression and metadata from proteomics (mass spectrometry) experiments from human and model organisms (mouse, worm and yeast). The latest version of MOPED adds new estimates of protein abundance and concentration, as well as relative (differential) expression data. MOPED provides a new updated query interface that allows users to explore information by organism, tissue, localization, condition, experiment, or keyword. MOPED supports the Human Proteome Project’s efforts to generate chromosome and diseases specific proteomes by providing links from proteins to chromosome and disease information, as well as many complementary resources. MOPED supports a new omics metadata checklist in order to harmonize data integration, analysis and use. MOPED’s development is driven by the user community, which spans 90 countries guiding future development that will transform MOPED into a multi-omics resource. MOPED encourages users to submit data in a simple format. They can use the metadata a checklist generate a data publication for this submission. As a result, MOPED will provide even greater insights into complex biological processes and systems and enable deeper and more comprehensive biological and biomedical discoveries.