BACKGROUND: Four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) is US Food and Drug Administration approved for the urgent reversal of coagulation factor deficiency induced by a vitamin K antagonist complicated by acute major bleeding or in situations in which invasive procedures are urgently needed. Although recent evidence suggests the superiority of 4F-PCC over plasma for on-label indications, the off-label use of 4F-PCC has not been rigorously studied.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Eighty-ninepatients receiving 4F-PCC at a single institution from July 2016 to December 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. Two cohorts, "On-Label" and "Off-Label" uses of 4F-PCC, were evaluated, comparing patient characteristics, blood utilization, and clinical outcomes including in-hospital mortality.ABBREVIATIONS: 4F-PCC = four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate; CMI = case mix index; FFP = fresh frozen plasma; INR = international normalized ratio; VKAs = vitamin K antagonists; WAC = wholesale acquisition cost.From the