A B S T R A C T To assess potential abnormalities in collagen metabolism in systemic scleroderma, skin fibroblast lines from patients with this disease were established and compared to control cell lines derived from healthy subjects. For studies on the biosynthesis of procollagen, the cells were incubated with [14C]proline in a medium supplemented with ascorbic acid and ,8-aminopropionitrile, and the synthesis of nondialyzable [14C]hydroxyproline, in relation to DNA or cell protein, was taken as an index of procollagen formation. Five of eight scleroderma fibroblast cell lines demonstrated procollagen biosynthesis rates significantly higher than the controls, and the mean rate of procollagen synthesis by scleroderma fibroblasts was about twice that of the control cells. Control experiments demonstrated that the specific activity of the intracellular free proline was not different in scleroderma and control fibroblasts, and the mean population doubling times of the scleroderma and the control fibroblast cell lines were the same. The relative synthesis of the genetically distinct procollagens was examined by isolating type I and type III procollagens from the cell culture medium using DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The ratios of type I/III procollagens in scleroderma cell lines did not differ from the controls. The helical stability of the collagenous portion of type I and type III procollagens, estimated by the resistance of 14C-collagen to limited proteolytic digestion with pepsin under nondenaturing conditions, was the same in both A preliminary report of part of this work has been presented at