Eoarchaean juvenile crust formed as 'proto-arcs' . The northern side of the Isua supracrustal belt is an archetypal proto-arc, with ≥3720 Ma boninites, c. 3720 Ma basalts and gabbros, 3720-3710 Ma andesites, diorites and mafic tonalites, 3710-3700 Ma intermediate-felsic volcanic and sedimentary rocks and 3700-3690 Ma chemical sedimentary rocks. On its northern side there is an extensive body of 3700-3690 Ma tonalite. During its evolution, the c. 3700 Ma Isua volcanic-sedimentary assemblage was partitioned into tectonic slices, with intercalation of mantle dunites with pillow basalts, prior to intrusion of c. 3710 Ma quartz diorites. Partitioning also occurred at 3690-3660 Ma, when the 30-20 million years life of the c. 3700 Ma Isua proto-arc was terminated by juxtaposition with the c. 3800 Ma terrane that occurs along the south of the Isua supracrustal belt. The trace element chemistry for all the ≥3720-3700 Ma mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks indicates fluid-fluxing mantle melting. The c. 3690 Ma tonalites have signatures showing melting of garnet-bearing mafic (eclogite) sources. The Isua c. 3700 Ma assemblage developed at an intra-oceanic convergent plate boundary, and it has a life-cycle broadly analogous to (but not identical to) an oceanic island arc eventually accreted against older crust.Keywords boundary, plate, ma, isua, southern, 3700, west, c, greenland, evolution, convergent, arc, proto, eoarchaean, emergence, GeoQuest (Moorbath, 1975;Hamilton et al., 1978; 39 Baadsgaard et al., 1986a;Collerson et al., 1991; Bennett et al., 1993 Bennett et al., , 2007 Caro et al., 40 2005;Hiess et al., 2009) Polat et al., 2002; Polat & Hoffman, 2003; Jenner et al., 2009; 45 Nagel et al., 2012 Nutman Komiya et al., 1999), whole rock geochemistry signatures (e.g.,
56Nutman Polat & Hofmann, 2003;Hoffmann et al., 2011a) and accurate 57 and precise absolute dates (particularly by U-Pb zircon methods) should be integrated 58 with the isotopic data (e.g., Bennett et al., 2007;Hoffmann et al., 2011b).
59Consequently, a multidisciplinary data set offers the best constraints on the 60 geodynamic setting of crust formation and provides insight into the meaning of 61 changing palaeogeographic settings (such as marine transgressions and regressions). In 62 this paper we follow this holistic approach, and apply it to the c. 3700 Ma portion of 63 the Isua supracrustal belt (West Greenland; Fig. 1 the Anshan area of northeastern China; for summaries of these see Schiøtte et al., 79 1989; Nutman et al., 1991Nutman et al., , 1996Kinny & Nutman, 1996; Bowring & Williams, 1999; 80 Iizuka et al., 2007;Liu et al., 2007;O'Neil et al., 2007 andHorie et al., 2010 Archaean (Friend et al., 1987(Friend et al., , 1988 Nutman et al., 1989, Nutman & Friend, 2007 97 Crowley, 2002; Friend & Nutman, 2005b components can be sampled separately (e.g., Baadsgaard et al., 1986a; Nutman et al., 107 1996 Nutman et al., 107 , 1999 Friend et al., 2002;Crowley et al., 2002;Polat et al., 2002; Polat & 108 Ho...