, and REINO LAATIKAINEN. Can. J. Chem. 61, 29 (1983).A complete analysis of the 'H nmr spectrum of 2-fluorotolucne yields '~, 7 "~~, the spin-spin coupling constant between '"F and the methyl protons, as 1.99 Hz. Analysis of nmr spectra of 21 other derivatives of 2-fluorotoluenc shows that ' J~" "~ can vary between 1.69 and 2.55 Hz. This strong dependence on substitution contrasts with the near invariance of other long-range couplings such as 6 CI-'3 and SJ,;;'"~ J,, ' . The substituent dependence is discussed in terms of coupling mechanisms.INDO MO FPT calculations of ' j~' " "~ are inadequate. By means of appropriate model compounds, an adequate empirical conformational dependence is deduced for 4~~' C t " , which can be used to reproduce some observed couplings. INDO MO FPT computations, in which certain off-diagonal Fock matrix elements are suppressed, are used to show that spin polarization via interacton of the methyl hydrogen orbitals is a major source of the discrepancy bctween theory and experiment. Some S T 0 3G MO calculations are reported for 2-fluorotolucne conformations.TED SCHAEFEK, RUDY SEBASTIAN, RICHARD P. VEREGIN et REINO LAATIKAINEN. Can. J. Chem. 61, 29 (1983). Une analyse complktc du spectre de rmn du 'H du fluoro-2 tolukne fournit la constantc de couplage spin-spin entre le ' 9~ et les protons du methyle, 'J:"~' = 1,99 HZ. L'analyse des spectres de rmn de 21 autrcs dCrivCs du fluoro-2 tolukne montre que JJ,:'." '' peut varier cntre 1,69 et 2,55 Hz. Cettc forte influence dc la substitution contrastc avec la quasi invariance des autres dCduit une influence conformationnelle empiriquc adequate pour J,, q u~ pcut ktre utilisCe pour reproduire quelques-uns des couplagcs observCs. On a utilisC dcs calculs INDO MO FPT dans lcsqucls on a supprime certains ClCmcnts de la matrice de Fock hors diagonalc pour montrer que cettc polarisation de spin par I1intermCdiaire des orbitales des hydrogknes du mkthyle est la cause principale dc cettc diffirence entrc la thCorie et I'expCrience. On rapporte quclques calculs d'OM S T 0 3G sur les conformations du fluoro-2 toluknc.[Traduit par le journal]