In the one-photon exchange approximation, we analyze polarization effects in the elastic e→p→→ep and ep→→e→p processes in the case when the spin quantization axes of a target proton at rest and an incident or scattered electron are parallel. To do this, in the kinematics of the SANE Collaboration experiment [A. Liyanage , ] using the J. Kelly [] and I. Qattan [] parametrizations for the Sachs form-factor ratio R≡μpGE/GM, a numerical analysis was carried out of the dependence of the longitudinal polarization degree transferred to the scattered electron in the ep→→e→p process and double-spin asymmetry in the e→p→→ep process on the square of the momentum transferred to the proton, as well as on the scattering angle of the electron. It is established that the difference in the longitudinal polarization degree of the scattered electron in the ep→→e→p process in the cases of conservation and violation of the scaling of the Sachs form factors can reach 70%. This fact can be used to set up polarization experiments of a new type to measure the ratio R. For double-spin asymmetry in the e→p→→ep process, the corresponding difference does not exceed 2.32%. This fact means that it is not sensitive to the effects of the Sachs form-factor scaling violation and could be used as a test for the R≈1 equality.
Published by the American Physical Society