It is shown that the differential cross sections of the reactions dd → 3 He n and dd → 3 H p measured at c.m.s. scattering angle θcm = 60• in the interval of the deuteron beam energy 0.5 -1.2 GeV demonstrate the scaling behaviour, dσ/dt ∼ s −22 , which follows from constituent quark counting rules. It is found also that the differential cross section of the elastic dp → dp scattering at θcm = 125• − 135• follows the scaling regime ∼ s −16 at beam energies 0.5 -5 GeV. These data are parameterized here using the Reggeon exchange. 24.85.+p, 25.10.+s, 25.40.Cm Nuclei and nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies (or at long and medium distances between nucleons r N N > 0.5f m) traditionally are described in terms of effective nucleon-nucleon interactions which are mediated by the exchange of mesons. In the limit of very high energies (s → ∞) and transferred four-momenta (t → ∞) the perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) is expected to be applied for explanation of nuclear reactions in terms of quarks and gluons. At present, one of the most interesting problems in nuclear physics is an interplay between the meson-baryon and quark-gluon pictures of the strong interaction. The main question is the following: at which s and t values (or, more precisely, relative momenta q of nucleons in nuclei) does the transition region from the mesonbaryon to the quark-gluon picture of nuclei set in?
PACSA possible signature for this transition is given by the constituent counting rules (CCR) [1,2]. According to dimensional scaling [1, 2] and pQCD [3], the differential cross section of a binary reaction AB → CD at high enough incident energy can be parameterized for a given c.m.s. scattering angle θ cm aswhere n = N A + N B + N C + N D and N i is the minimum number of point-like constituents in the ith hadron (for a lepton one has N l = 1), f (s/t) is a function of θ cm . Existing data for many measured hard scattering processes with free hadrons appear to be consistent with Eq. (1) [4]. At present, in a nuclei sector only electromagnetic processes on the deuteron were found to be 1)