We complete the procedure of extracting parton distribution functions (PDFs) using large momentum effective theory (LaMET) at leading power accuracy in the hadron momentum. We derive a general factorization formula for the quasi PDFs in the presence of mixing, and give the corresponding hard matching kernel at O(αs), both for the unpolarized and for the polarized quark and gluon quasi-PDFs. Our calculation is performed in a regularization-independent momentum subtraction scheme. The results allow us to match the nonperturbatively renormalized quasi-PDFs to normal PDFs in the presence of mixing, and therefore can be used to extract flavor-singlet quark PDFs as well as gluon PDFs from lattice simulations.An explicit one-loop calculation in Ref.[81] has indeed verified the above expectation. Since J µz 2 is not independent, it can be ignored in the studies of operator renormalization. In addition, Eqs. (26) and (27) indicate that J zµ 1 and J ti 1 (i = 1, 2) renormalize independently. As a result, the renormalization pattern can be simplified to J zµ 1,R J zµ 3,R = Z 22 Z 13 0 Z 33 J zµ 1 J zµ 3, J ti 1,R = Z 11 J ti 1 , J ij 1,R = Z 11 J ij 1 .