We present an extensive set of simulation results for the stress relaxation in equilibrium and stepstrained bead-spring polymer melts. The data allow us to explore the chain dynamics and the shear relaxation modulus, G(t), into the plateau regime for chains with Z = 40 entanglements and into the terminal relaxation regime for Z = 10. Using the known (Rouse) mobility of unentangled chains and the melt entanglement length determined via the primitive path analysis of the microscopic topological state of our systems, we have performed parameter-free tests of several different tube models. We find excellent agreement for the Likhtman-McLeish theory using the double reptation approximation for constraint release, if we remove the contribution of high-frequency modes to contour length fluctuations of the primitive chain. High molecular weight polymeric liquids display remarkable viscoelastic properties [1,2]. Contrary to glassy systems, their macroscopic relaxation times are not due to slow dynamics on the monomer scale, but arise from the chain connectivity and the restriction that the backbones of polymer chains cannot cross while undergoing Brownian motion. Modern theories of polymer dynamics [3,4] describe the universal aspects of the viscoelastic behavior based on the idea that molecular entanglements confine individual polymers to tube-like regions in space [5,6]. Forty years of research have led to a complex relaxation scenario based on a combination of local Rouse dynamics, reptation, contour length fluctuations, and constraint release [4]. The development and validation of a quantitative, microscopic theory crucially depends on the availability of experimental and simulation data for model systems.Entangled polymers are studied experimentally using rheology [1,2,7], dielectric spectroscopy [8], small-angle neutron scattering [9,10], and nuclear magnetic resonance [11,12]. Computer simulations [13][14][15][16] offer some advantages in the preparation of well-defined model systems and the simultaneous access to macroscopic behavior and microscopic structure and dynamics. In particular, the recently developed primitive path analysis (PPA) [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] reveals the experimentally inaccessible mesoscopic structures and relaxation processes described by the tube model and allows parameter-free comparisons between theoretical predictions and data. However, the long relaxation times pose a particular challenge to computational techniques. Here we present simulation results for model polymer melts in equilibrium and after a rapid, volume-conserving uni-axial elongation, where we have been able to follow the full relaxation dynamics deep into the entangled regime. The data allow us to perform the first parameter-free test of the predictions of tube models for dynamical properties, to pinpoint a problem in the current theoretical description, and to validate a suitable modification.Our numerical results are based on extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of bead-spring polymer melts [13]. Each ...