The tautomeric exchange of the inner hydrogens of free base alkylporphycenes was examined with
the help of 13C-CPMAS and 15N-CPMAS NMR recorded at variable temperatures. The porphycenes
used were octaethylporphycene 2, 2,7,12,17-tetrapropylporphycene 3, and 9,10,19,20-tetrapropylporphycene 4. The CPMAS spectra revealed that the interconversion of NH tautomers in 2−4 is
so fast that even in the solid state it was not possible to determine rate constants for the migration
of the central hydrogens by simulating the experimental data. However, using 15N-CPMAS spectra
recorded at natural abundance and variable temperature, it was possible to calculate the equilibrium
constant (K) of NH tautomerism for each of the alkylporphycenes 2−4. By measuring variations in
the T1 relaxation times as a function of temperature, it was possible to detect rotations in the alkyl
side chains of 2−4.