Abstract:The first observation of the extremely neutrondeficient nucleus XTZAu is reported, produced using the fusion evaporation reaction 7~176(E~ _~ 64 MeV). Mass separated evaporation residues were implanted into a double-sided silicon strip detector, and the energy and time of subsequent decay events were recorded. The alpha decay of ~2Au was measured with an energy E,~ = 6860:5 10 keV, corresponding to Q,~ = 7020:5 10 keV, and a half-life of 4:5 1 ms. No evidence was seen for a proton decay branch, implying a limit of bp < 2 %. 23.60. + e; 23.90. + w; 27.70. + q Direct proton emission has now been established from extremely neutron-deficient odd-Z nuclei between Tm (Z=69) and Re (Z---75) [1,2,3]. In order to extend the region of proton emission data further towards heavier elements, we have carried out a search for the proton decay of the previously unknown nucleus 172Au. Various mass models predict a positive proton decay Q-value for this nucleus, although the degree of competition from alpha decay is critically dependent on both the precise decay Q-values and nuclear structure effects.
PACS:Evaporation residues from the reaction 7~176 were implanted into a double-sided silicon strip detector positioned at the focal plane of the Daresbury recoil mass separator [4]. Over a period of 48 hours a 2 nA (particle) beam of 354 MeV 7~ ions was used to bombard a 500 #g cm -2 thick target of 80% isotopically enriched a~ backed by a 20 #g cm -2 thick carbon foil. The compound nucleus was produced with a mean centre--of-target excitation energy _~ 64 MeV in order to maximise the yield of lr~Au via the p3n evaporation channel. The recoil mass separator was adjusted to position evaporation residues with mass numbers A= 171-175 onto the strip detector. Figure 1 shows the resulting decay spectrum which contains a new alpha decay line at an energy above that of the lightest known gold isotope 173Au (Ec~ = 6720:5 20 keV [5]). This activity occurs within the A=172 region of the strip detector and is assigned to ~72Au on the basis of alpha decay Q-value * Present address: Department of Physcis, University of Sheffield, Sheffield $3 7RH, UK systematics. The peak contains 43 counts, corresponding to a cross section of approximately 200 nb (assuming a separator efficiency of 3%). This is lower than typical p3n cross sections observed in our recent studies in the region 69 < Z < 75 [2], reflecting the higher degree of fission competition. An energy calibration was obtained from known alpha decay lines
0~~151'1~1mHO, 152Er, lSSyb and 156Lu [6,7]) of residues implanted into the detector, giving a decay energy for the new peak of E~ = 6860 4-10 keV with a corresponding alpha decay Q-value of Q~ = 7020 • 10 keV. The half-life of 1T2Au was measured from the time difference between correlated implantation and decay events, giving a value of t_~ = 4 + 1 ms. This corresponds to a reduced alpha decay widt]a, assuming a Al = 0 transition and b,~ = 100 %, of 1.3+~ relative to the alpha decay of 212Po. The measured alpha decay Q-values of lig...