It is well recognized that reactions involving the transfer of a proton or hydrogen atom are special in that these particles can tunnel through classically forbidden regions [1]. The wave-like properties also add a new element to reactions in which two or more protons transfer, since under appropriate conditions, they may allow the protons to move as a single particle. In this contribution we review the dynamics of such reactions [2], focusing on double proton transfer for simplicity. In particular, we probe how the motion of one proton influences that of the other and which conditions lead to weak or strong correlation between their motions. Generally speaking, no correlation results in independent transfer and weak correlation in stepwise transfer. Strengthening the correlation will ultimately lead to concerted transfer and may give rise to synchronous transfer if the transferred particles are equivalent.While proton-proton correlation is a unifying concept that allows us to classify and understand the various multiproton transfer mechanisms, it is not a quantity that is easily measured or calculated. In dealing with a specific reaction, one tends to use a simpler approach based on the search for a transition state, i.e. a configuration along the transfer path characterized by a first-order saddle point representing a vibrational force field with one imaginary frequency. More generally, the presence of two mobile particles implies that the potential energy surface contains stationary states with zero, one, or two imaginary frequencies, representing, respectively, a stable intermediate, a transition state, and a state with a secondorder saddle point.A stable intermediate roughly halfway along the trajectory implies barriers separating it from the equilibrium configurations. Such a potential favors stepwise transfer under conditions where the intermediate is thermally accessible. This basically reduces the dynamics to that appropriate for single proton transfer, but leaves open the question of how to deal with transfer at low temperature. A barrier corresponding to a single transition state, similar to that observed for single proton transfer, implies concerted transfer of the two protons. This again can Hydrogen-Transfer Reactions. Edited by be treated by the methods developed for single proton dynamics [1,3]. However, if, instead, this barrier corresponds to a second-order saddle point, it represents concerted motion along two proton coordinates. This situation does not immediately reveal the nature of the corresponding transfer process, but it drives home the point that the presence of two mobile protons allows at least two transfer mechanisms. On a potential energy surface with more than one saddle point, there will in general be multiple pathways along which the potential has a doubleminimum profile. To analyze the transfer dynamics governed by such a potential, we need an approach that goes beyond the question whether the transfer is concerted or stepwise.To elucidate the effect of proton-proton correlation...