The results of an ab initio post Hartree−Fock study of the
molecular structures, relative stabilities,
and mechanisms of intermolecular proton transfer in isolated, mono- and
dihydrated guanine complexes are
reported. The geometries of the local minima and transition states
were optimized without symmetry restrictions
by the gradient procedure at the HF and the MP2 levels of theory and
were verified by energy second derivative
calculations. The standard 6-31G(d) basis set was used.
The single point calculations have been performed
at the MP4(SDQ)/6-31G(d)//MP2/6-31G(d) and the
MP2/6-311++G(d,p)//MP2/6-31G(d) approximations.
values of total energies have been corrected for zero point energy
contributions scaled by a factor of 0.9. The
post Hartree−Fock ab initio theory predicts the height of the proton
transfer barrier for monohydrated guanine
complexes to be approximately two times lower for the tautomeric
oxo−hydroxo reactions and approximately
three times lower for the reverse hydroxo−oxo reactions compared with
non-water-assisted processes. The
influence of polar media (Onsager's self-consistent reaction field
model) slightly changes these values according
to the polarity of the tautomers. The influence of the stepwise
interaction with one and two water molecules
monotonically changes the order of the relative stability of guanine
tautomers from the gas phase to the one
which corresponds to the experimentally measured relative stabilities
in polar solutions. We have found a
2-fold water influence on the NH2-nonplanarity phenomena:
they are the source of nonplanarity for the hydroxo
tautomers, and they also decrease the nonplanarity for the oxo