Two modes of molecular motion of carrier molecules can, in principle, lead to a facilitated transport of a substrate: translational and rotational diffusion. In the present study, which deals with the mechanism of the facilitated diffusion of H' and 02 in solutions of earthworm hemoglobin, examples for both types of facilitation are presented. Only translational, not rotational diffusion of earthworm hemoglobin appears-to lead to a facilitated 02 flux. In contrast, substantial facilitated H+ fluxes of comparable size arise from rotational diffusion as well as from translational diffusion of this large protein. This is derived from measurements of facilitated H+ and 02 fluxes in earthworm hemoglobin solutions and determinations of the rotational and translational diffusion coefficients of earthworm hemoglobin with the help of a theoretical treatment of facilitated diffusion by rotational carrier diffusion. H+ transport by rotational protein diffusion appears to be a case where the often-postulated mechanism of facilitated transport by rotation of a carrier lends itself 'to experimental verification.Rotational diffusion of carrier molecules has long been recognized as a possible mechanism of facilitated transfer of substrates. It has been speculated that rotation of membrane carriers may form the basis of facilitated membrane transport processes (1, 2), and rotational diffusion of Hb molecules has been discussed as a hypothetical mechanism of facilitated diffusion of oxygen in red cells (3,4). Wyman (4) showed, however, that rotation cannot play a significant role in facilitated oxygen transport because the oxygenation and deoxygenation reactions are by far too slow for this mechanism to be effective, and it is now generally accepted that facilitated oxygen diffusion in solutions of human hemoglobin is solely due to translational diffusion of oxyhemoglobin (4-6).An analogous mechanism has been proposed by us (7-9) for facilitated CO2 diffusion in This mechanism of facilitated proton transport by translational protein diffusion has been found to be solely responsible for proton transport in phosphate, myoglobin, and albumin (30 g/dl) solutions (7-9). It does not,' however, appear to be the sole mechanism of proton transport in earthworm Hb (EW-Hb) solutions. In Fig. 1 the results of our recent study of the giant EW-Hb are summarized (9). The apparent diffusion coefficients (Dpot) that must be postulated to quantitatively explain the observed facilitated CO2 fluxes are compared with the directly determined translational diffusion coefficients of the protein (Dtrans; ref. 10). It may be seen that Dpost is' significantly greater than Dtrans at all protein concentrations and that only one-half to one-third of the observed facilitated CO2 and proton fluxes are based on translational protein diffusion. An additional mechanism of proton transport appears to be operative in EW-Hb solutions. Can' rOtational protein diffusion be responsible for, this proton transport?Also shown in Fig. 1 are the protein diffusion c...