Collisions of protons p with antiprotonic helium atomspHe + (bound orbital states of an antiprotonp and a helium ion He + ) are investigated from the viewpoint of chemical reaction. ThepHe + atoms with high orbital angular momentum quantum numbers L > 40 can be abundantly produced in the capture ofp by metastable helium atoms He(2 1,3 S). Since such orbital states are considered to be practically stable despite having Auger decay channels (pHe + →pHe 2+ + e), atomic and molecular collision processes involvingpHe + (L > 40) are experimentally measurable. In this study, adiabatic electron energies in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation are calculated for the p +pHe + system. The p +pHe + dynamical calculations ofp exchange (→pp + He + ) and dissociation (→p +p + He + ) reactions on the ground-state adiabatic potential energy surface are carried out for various high orbital states ofpHe by using a classical trajectory Monte Carlo method. The reaction cross sections and the state distributions of antiprotonic hydrogen atoms (protonium)pp produced in the exchange reaction are presented. If the orbital shape ofpHe + is near circular, the exchange reaction becomes inactive at low energies because the repulsive part of the interaction plays a critical role. In the p +pp system, however, the low-energyp exchange reaction remains active for any type of the initialpp orbital motion.