A preliminary analysis of Galileo F/NAV broadcast Clock and Ephemeris is performed in this paper with 43 months of data. Using consolidated Galileo Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) navigation files, automated navigation data monitoring is applied from 1 January 2017 to 31 July 2020 to detect and verify potential faults in the satellite broadcast navigation data. Based on these observation results, the Galileo Signal-in-Space is assessed, and the probability of satellite failure is estimated. The Galileo nominal ranging accuracy is also characterized. Results for GPS satellites are included in the paper to compare Galileo performances with a consolidated constellation. Although this study is limited by the short observation period available, the analysis over the last three-year window shows promising results with Psat= 3.2 × 10−6/sat, which is below the value of 1 × 10−5 stated by the Galileo commitments.