This exploration aims to understand people, interactions, decisions and learnings of development projects. According to [6], the output of most design activity is twofold; one part being information (explicit knowledge), and the other being experience (tacit knowledge). The output might be formalized in terms of text, numbers or simulation data, or crude, reflective prototypes used within the team [7, 8], which we summarize as 'artifacts'. Aiming to understand both design activity and output in product development, we are focusing on projects doing design of physical and mechatronic prototypes, with the research goal of observation and quantification of said design activity. Focus is placed on capturing tangible artifacts created as output from design activity, with the future aim to create a repository (Fig. 1) for storing the design output (artifacts from real industry examples) for future re-use. There are two main reasons for capturing the output from development projects; the first for researching the output, aiming to quantify prototyping tools and methods. The second is to help the designers during (by supporting documentation)