For continuously checking and updating the virtual representation of a real system during operation, the continuous sensing and interpretation of raw sensor data is a must. The challenge is to bundle sensor value streams (e.g., from IoT networks) and aggregate them to a higher logical state level to enable process-oriented viewpoints and to handle uncertainties about sensor measurements and state realization precision. To address these uncertainties, so-called "tolerance ranges" must be defined in which logical states are detected during operation with acceptable deviations. Specifying such tolerance ranges manually is a time-consuming, error-prone task and often not feasible due to the huge associated value search space. To tackle this challenge, the problem is turned into an optimization problem in this paper. For this purpose, we present a framework based on meta-heuristic search that enables the automatic configuration of tolerance ranges based on available execution traces of multiple sensor value streams. An exploratory study evaluates the approach. For this purpose, we implemented a lab-sized demonstrator of a five-axis grip arm robot, which we continuously monitored during operation in a simulated environment. The evaluation shows the advantage of using meta-heuristic optimizers such as Harmony Search or Genetic Algorithm to identify stable tolerance ranges automatically for state detection at runtime. Note to Practitioners-Monitoring sensor values streams is nowadays a frequently employed technique in many automation domains. However, combining and mapping single value streams to higher-level state-based representations such as state machines or other design-time related models is a major challenge due to measurement and realization precision uncertainties. Thus, simply mapping monitored raw data to these design descriptions can lead to falsely identified or missed states. To improve this situation, we present an approach that provides a mechanism to continuously analyze data streams during operation by automatically finding appropriate tolerance ranges to detect realized system states. The approach uses a small set of annotated execution traces and meta-heuristic searchers to derive optimal tolerance ranges, which provide high correctness and completeness of the identified system states. This approach represents the basis for building a "vertical bridge" from the operation technology layer considering pure sensor data streams to the IT