IntroductionPeople of different cultures are provided with plenty of values or norms in the content of their language to establish an identity of their society, reveal life continuity, and transmit lessons of life to their following generations; therefore, they can strategically cope with the complexities of their sociocultural problems by means of these values and norms (Arimi 2005). Languages are manifestations of cultures and can serve as a vehicle to reveal the differences between cultures. Proverbs, as a part of every language and culture, carry the norms and values of cultures and reveal the wit and wisdom of their people. Though the use of proverbs may differ from one society to another what is common to proverbs everywhere is that they touch a wide range of human concerns and activities. Gorjian (2008:1) defines proverbs as popular expressions presenting "an idea of experience, knowledge, advice, morality, truth, virtue, genius, irony, etc." From ancient times up to now, proverbs have been used to spread knowledge, wisdom and truth about life of its users. They have been considered an important factor in fostering children, since they signal moral values and exhort common behavior. They belong to the traditional verbal folklore genres and the wisdom of proverbs has guided the people worldwide in social interaction throughout the ages. They are used with a certain communicative purpose that transcends their linguistic form and meaning. They reflect an implicit typology of patterns of reasoning. For this and other reasons, proverbs are interesting to study, since through them we can extract many ideas on how we think, how we conceptualize and categorize the world, and how we transmit traditional folk knowledge from generation to generation. Arimi (2005:91) states that discovery of proverbs determines the content of proverbs and their related contexts and discloses "generally prototypical associative-patterns of selected wisdom." According to Bussmann (1995, as cited in Arimi 2005:92), a prototype is "a model or proto-image of all representatives of the meaning of a category that builds a thought pattern of preparing or solving life Babel 59:1 (2013), 1-24. © Fédération des Traducteurs (FIT) Revue Babel DOI io.iO75/babel.59.i.oiras ISSN 0521-9744 E-ISSN 1569-9668Nasser Rashidi and Hadis Ghaedi problems". Proverbial prototypes relating to human life such as society or social life, economy, politics, law, sex, and etc, come to the people as norms or values in their life interaction. Every society or culture has its own way of understanding and implementing these norms or values.As Arimi (2005) noted, proverbial prototypes foUow the themes of the popular proverbs that are mostly relevant to contemporary trends of life, for instance, themes on society, politics, culture, and economy. According to him, the social prototype deal with working, timing, and charity, while the law has to do with the nature of truth, and the belief or religion relates to destiny and fate. The specific prototype of working in life tren...