Purposes: The article discusses one of the most significant and contradictory categories in linguistics, the category of modality, using the proverbs of two different structural languages like English and Tatar.
Methodology: The basic methods of scientific research are the statistics method, method of comparative and quantities analyses of the data, method of description.
Implications/Applications A systematic study of the complex of multilevel means of expressing the category of modality will help to study the mechanism of action of this category as a functional-semantic subsystem of the language, to determine its essence, volume and boundaries in such different structural languages as English and Tatar.
Results: The results of the study allow us to conclude that the representation of the category of modality is similar in languages of different structures, which may become the basis for assuming the similarity of semantic processes in both languages.
Novelty: The problem of determining modality is still debatable, and research on how to express it in different languages is relevant. The authors give a classification of the selected proverbs; determine the criteria for comparison, on the basis of which determine the general and various ways of expressing modality in folklore texts.