Abstract. The existence of threats to economic security can become a factor in the development of an imbalance in the functioning of economic entities of any level of activity. Support and patronage of constant indicators of economic security today is one of the main tasks of state policy, since the economic sphere has both direct and indirect impact on various types of national security. Only under the condition of full provision of all aspects of security is it possible to implement a programmed economic growth, improve the standard of living of ordinary citizens, as well as the all-round development of all spheres of the state. For today's economy of the state, in the context of the desire to be a full-fledged member of the world economic society, it is especially important to solve the problem of ensuring continuous socio-economic development, creating mechanisms to counter exogenous and endogenous threats, improving the welfare of citizens, as well as developing a powerful system of international economic relations. The degree of influence of exogenous and endogenous threats on the level of the country's economic security is variable, taking into account the dynamic conditions of the life of society, the national and world economy. The task is to form a model of countering the main threats to economic security in the context of protecting national interests. The main purpose of the study is the formation of a methodological approach to countering the main threats to economic security in the context of protecting national interests. The research methodology includes the use of a graphical method to reflect the main results of the study. Also, from the general methods, the abstract-logical method should be distinguished, which was used to form appropriate conclusions based on the results of the study. Of the specific ones, let us single out the modeling method, which made it possible to form an appropriate composition of the main ways to counter the main threats to economic security in the context of protecting national interests.
Keywords: security, economic security, threats, countering threats, national interests.
JEL Classification G28, F60, F52
Formulas: 0; fig.: 3; tabl.: 0; bibl.:12.