In this paper, we propose an inductive approach to prove positive almost sure termination of probabilistic rewriting under the innermost strategy. We extend to the probabilistic case a technique we proposed for termination of usual rewriting under strategies. The induction principle consists in assuming that terms smaller than the starting terms for an induction ordering are positively almost surely terminating. The proof is developed in generating proof trees, modelizing rewriting trees, in alternatively applying abstraction steps, expressing the application of the induction hypothesis, and narrowing steps, simulating the possible rewriting steps after abstraction. This technique can be fully automatized, in particular for rewrite systems on constants, very useful to modelize probabilistic protocols.Probabilistic rewriting has recently been introduced to modelize systems, where probabilistic and non-deterministic phenomena are combined [7]. A lot of models of systems, formalisms or techniques have already been enriched with probabilities, but most of them are restricted to finite state systems. Let us cite automata based models [11,42], Petri Nets [2, 38], process algebra [24], model checking technques [29]. Note also the existence of the PRISM [30], and the APMC [25] tools.Rewriting allows for expressing complex relations on infinite sets of states in a finite way, provided they are countable. Rewriting also provides a nice programming paradigm: the rule-based formalism allows to easily write programs in a declarative way and the underlying algebraic semantics enables automatable or semi-automatable correctness proofs on the programs. Rule-based programming languages and environments are now currently used for any kind of application. Let us cite ASF+SDF [8], Maude [9], CafeOBJ [17], ELAN [3], Stratego [43], or Tom [32]. A probabilistic dimension has recently been introduced in ELAN [6], Tom [18] and Maude [28] to increase the power of the languages to applications like probabilistic protocols.In the context of probabilistic rewriting, the problem of termination naturally arises and in [4], the notions of simple almost sure termination and positive almost sure (PAS in short) termination have been proposed, as well as a method based on interpretations on the reals to ensure the second property. The first termination notion expresses that the probability for a given rewriting derivation to terminate is 1; the second, stronger and more useful from a practical point of view, expresses that the mean length of the derivations from a term is finite.Then, in [5], rewriting strategies have been considered, and sufficient criterions, still based on interpretations on the reals, have been given for PAS termination under strategies.Here, we try to go one step further. In the previously cited paper, the considered strategies defined themselves with probabilities, expressing the ratio of the selection of a rule w.r.t to another. We tackle here the PAS termination problem for position strategies, defined by the position of t...