Maxwell's equations in vacuum provide the negative speed of light -c, which leads to imaginary Planck units. However, the second, negative fine-structure constant $\alpha_2^{-1} \approx -140.178$, present in the Fresnel coefficients for the normal incidence of electromagnetic radiation on monolayer graphene, establishes the different, negative speed of light in vacuum $c_2 \approx -3.06 \times 10^8~\text{[m/s]}$, which introduces imaginary Planck units different in magnitude from those parametrized with $c$. Furthermore, algebraic relations between the fine-structure constant hint that the fine-structure constant does not vary over time. It follows that electric charges are the same in real and imaginary dimensions. We model neutron stars and white dwarfs, emitting perfect black-body radiation, as \textit{objects} having energy exceeding their mass-energy equivalence ratios. We define complex energies in terms of real and imaginary natural units. Their imaginary parts, inaccessible for direct observation, store the excess of these energies. It is conjectured that the maximum atomic number $Z=238$. A black-body \textit{object} is in the equilibrium of complex energies if its radius $R_\text{eq} \approx 1.3833~R_{\text{BH}}$, which is close to the photon sphere radius $R_{\text{ps}}=1.5~R_{\text{BH}}$, and marginally greater than a locally negative energy density bound of $4/3~R_{\text{BH}}$. The complex force between real masses and imaginary charges leads to the black-body object's surface gravity and generalized Hawking radiation temperature, which includes its charge. Furthermore, this force agrees with the physical parameters of the hydrogen atom. The proposed model takes into account the value(s) of the fine-structure constant(s), which is/are otherwise neglected in general relativity, and explains the registered (GWOSC) high masses of neutron stars' mergers and the associated fast radio bursts (CHIME) without resorting to any hypothetical types of exotic stellar \textit{objects}.