Dendritic cell (DC) migration via lymphatic vessels to draining lymph nodes (dLNs) is crucial for the initiation of adaptive immunity. We imaged this process by intravital microscopy (IVM) in the ear skin of transgenic mice bearing redfluorescent vasculature and yellowfluorescent DCs. DCs within lymphatic capillaries were rarely transported by flow, but actively migrated within lymphatics and were significantly faster than in the interstitium. Pharmacologic blockade of the Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK), which mediates nuclear contraction and de-adhesion from integrin ligands, significantly reduced DC migration from skin to dLNs in steady-state. IVM revealed that ROCK blockade strongly reduced the velocity of interstitial DC migration, but only marginally affected intralymphatic DC migration. By contrast, during tissue inflammation, ROCK blockade profoundly decreased both interstitial and intralymphatic DC migration. Inhibition of intralymphatic migration was paralleled by a strong up-regulation of ICAM-1 in lymphatic endothelium, suggesting that during inflammation ROCK mediates de-adhesion of DC-expressed integrins from lymphatic-expressed ICAM-1. Flow chamber assays confirmed an involvement of lymphatic-expressed ICAM-1 and DC-expressed ROCK in DC crawling on lymphatic endothelium. Overall, our findings further define the role of ROCK in DC migration to dLNs and reveal a differential requirement for ROCK in intralymphatic DC crawling during steadystate and inflammation. (Blood. 2012; 120(11):2249-2258)
IntroductionDendritic cells (DCs) are important in the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In peripheral tissues, such as the skin, DCs take up antigen, mature, and migrate via lymphatic vessels (LVs) to draining lymph nodes (dLNs), where they present antigen to resting T cells. Although this migration pattern has been known for more than 20 years, 1 DC migration into LVs is only now starting to be unraveled at the cellular level using live imaging technologies. [2][3][4] Before transmigrating across the lymphatic endothelium, DCs first need to squeeze through preformed, narrow pores present in the lymphatic basement membrane (BM). 3 DC entry into LVs is thought to occur at the level of primary lymphatic capillaries, which feature discontinuous cell junctions with "button"-like accumulations of cell adhesion molecules. 5 At the sites of such buttons, lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) partially overlap and generate open flaps, through which leukocytes enter into lymphatics. 3,5 The most prominent mediator of DC migration into afferent lymphatics is CCL21, a chemokine constitutively expressed in LVs. 6,7 More recently, also other LEC-expressed molecules that mediate DC migration via LVs to dLNs have been identified. [8][9][10][11] Notably, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, which are up-regulated in LVs during inflammation, 8,12 have been implicated in this process. 8 Intriguingly, experiments performed with pan-integrin knockout DCs revealed that DC migration to dLNs in steady-state was integrin-independent. 2 This ...