is properly cited.Studying the speciation and mineral-fluid partitioning of the rare earth elements (REE) allows us to delineate the key processes responsible for the formation of economic REE mineral deposits in natural systems. Hydrothermal REE-bearing calcite is typically hosted in carbonatites and alkaline rocks, such as the giant Bayan Obo REE deposit in China and potential REE deposits such as Bear Lodge, WY. The compositions of these hydrothermal veins yield valuable information regarding pressure ( ), temperature ( ), salinity, and other physicochemical conditions under which the REE can be fractionated and concentrated in crustal fluids. This study presents numerical simulation results of the speciation of REE in aqueous NaCl-H 2 O-CO 2 -bearing hydrothermal fluids and a new partitioning model between calcite and fluids at different --conditions. Results show that, in a high CO 2 and low salinity system, bicarbonate/carbonate are the main transporting ligands for the REE, but predominance shifts to chloride complexes in systems with high CO 2 and high salinity. Hydroxyl REE complexes may be important for the solubility and transport of the REE in alkaline fluids. These numerical predictions allow us to make quantitative interpretations of hydrothermal processes in REE mineral deposits, particularly in carbonatites, and show where future experimental work will be essential in improving our modeling capabilities for these ore-forming processes.