Voice over IP (VoIP) is widely utilized by organizations, schools, colleges, and so on. Nevertheless, VoIP numerous challenges that hinder its spread. One of the significant challenges is the poor exploit of the VoIP technology network bandwidth (BW), caused by the huge preamble of the VoIP packet. This paper suggests a novel methodology to manage this huge preamble overhead challenge. The proposed methodology is named runt payload VoIP packet (RPV). The core principle of the RPV methodology is to reemploy and exploit the VoIP packet preamble’s data (fields) that are superfluous by VoIP technology, especially for unicast IP voice calls. Generally, those fields will be used to convey the VoIP packet payload. Consequently, diminish or zero the length of the payload and, therefore, spare the BW. The results of the investigation into the suggested RPV methodology indicated significant enhancement in the BW exploitation of VoIP technology. For instance, the saved BW in the examined environment with the LPC codec came to up to 25.9%.