ABSTRACT. We deal with the representation of locally convex algebras.On one hand as "suhalgebras" of sorne weighted space CV(X) anO on the other hand, in the case ob uniborrnly A-convex algebras, as inductive lirnits of Banach algebras. We amo study sorne questions on the spectrurn of a locally convex algebra.
INTROD1JCTIONA locally convex algebra is an algebra togetber with a Hausdorff loca-fly convex topology such tha-t tite midtiplication ob E is sepa-rately continuous. We denote by M (resp. M#) the assumed nonvoid set ob a-II continuous (resp. a-lgebra-ic) citaracters of E. Endowed witit tite weak topology generated by E, M anO M# are Ha-usdorff completely regular spaces. M will be calleO tite spectrum ob E a-nO M# its algebraic spectrurn. Titis work consists obthree indepenOant sections. In [9], conditions are given under witich E is embedded aigebraicaily (anO topologica-lIy) in sorne (7(X) with tite compa-ct open topology or a-weaker topology. A.C. Cocitran sitows iii [4] titat every semisimple uniformly A-convex algebra E can be embedded continuously, via tite Gelba-nd ma-p