Modeling concrete fracture is important in order to uncover accurately the sources of distress which lead to the damage or failure of structures. Many different numerical approaches have been used in the past employing either a smeared or a discrete cracking approach. Those models have difficulty in capturing the local nature of cracking, as well as the direction of crack propagation. Lattice modeling and peridynamics (PD) are some of the more recent nonlocal fracture simulation tools which possess advantages, such as ease of modeling and accuracy of crack propagation simulations with few key parameters. In this work, we employ an overlapping lattice approach, where the continuum is discretized using truss elements extending over a predefined horizon similar to the concept used in PD with the sequentially linear analysis technique. Simulation results for several reinforced concrete (RC) and un-RC tests demonstrate the ability to estimate crack propagation directions and widths accurately, with the proposed modeling approach also offering a rather simple and intuitive approach.The analytical simulation of concrete is very important for the structural engineering community as the key reasons of the aging infrastructure in many countries, creating billions of dollars' worth of repair and replacement costs, 1 are associated with concrete cracking. Computational models for structural concrete subjected to extreme and environmental loads must give results with reasonable accuracy for the performance evaluation, repair, strengthening of existing structures, or the design of modern ones. In this way, it is possible to attain economical engineering solutions.Starting from the 1960s, concrete finite element simulations were conducted in the two mainstream directions. The first approach was based on the adjustment of adjusting the material stiffness matrix (i.e., smeared crack concept) introduced by Rashid. 2 Later, Hillerborg 3 and Bažant and Oh 4 led the development of stress-displacement models, which were used to regularize mesh dependency through a characteristic length scale and the fracture energy. 5-7 There are essentially two methods for the smeared crack models, that is, rotational) 5,8 and fixed crack models 9,10 in order to estimate crack initiation and propagation directions. The main drawback of the continuum-based finite element modeling is the inability of representing the actual separation due to cracking and having to operate with average strains across a gauge length rather than with actual crack openings. The second approach for concrete fracture simulations is the use of discrete crack models by placing springs, interfaces, or contact elements between the finite elements to mimic the separation and crack opening. [11][12][13][14] Despite the apparent advantages of modeling, the cracks via discrete elements explicitly, the issues on identifying crack locations as à priori, remeshing, pre and postprocessing, and the necessity of defining different constitutive models for the cracks and continuum parts are...