In this paper, we give a general criterion for elimination of imaginaries using an abstract independence relation. We also study germs of definable functions at certain well-behaved invariant types. Finally we apply these results to prove the elimination of imaginaries in bounded pseudo p-adically closed density theorems [Mon17b, Theorem 3.17 and 6.11] -which generalizes cellular decomposition to the multi-valued (respectively multi-ordered) setting. She also proves an amalgamation theorem [Mon17b, Theorem 3.21 and 6.13] which is a weaker version of the independence theorem of simple theories which holds in this non-simple setting. She then uses those new tools to prove new classification results, the main one [Mon17b, Theorem 4.24 and 8.5] being that bounded pseudo p-adically closed and pseudo real closed fields are NTP 2 of finite burden. One particularity that stands out in the first author's work is that, although most results are proved for both classes, elimination of imaginaries was only proved for pseudo real closed fields [Mon17a]. The initial motivation for this paper was to repair that asymmetry. As it turns out, we were also able to repair a small gap in the proof of the pseudo real closed case, cf. §2.8.1. Since bounded pseudo p-adically closed fields that are not pseudo algebraically closed fields come with finitely many definable valuations, one cannot expect elimination of imaginaries in a language with just one sort for the field, contrary to what happens with pseudo real closed fields. But since the work of [HHM06], we know how to circumvent that particular issue: we have to add, for each valuation, codes for certain definable modules over the valuation ring; that is, work in the so-called geometric language. The main question regarding the imaginaries in bounded pseudo p-adically closed fields then becomes to prove that there are no imaginaries arising from the interaction between the various valuations and, therefore, that it suffices to add the geometric sorts for each of the valuations. The main result of this paper, Theorem (2.58), is a positive answer to this question. We deduce it from our abstract criterion, Proposition (1.17), applied to quantifier free invariant independence, cf Definition (1.18). The results of Section 1.2 play a fundamental role by allowing us to deduce n-ary extension from unary extension for that particular independence relation. Our first step towards this elimination result, and a core ingredient of the rest of the paper, is Proposition (2.26) which states that not only are the geometric sorts for each valuation orthogonal but also that the structure of any given geometric sort is the one induced by the relevant p-adic closure. We then proceed to deduce, from this strong statement on the independence of the valuations, a result on the structure of definable subsets of the valued field, where, at first sight, the valuations do interact. The key ingredient of the first author's proof that pseudo real closed fields eliminate imaginaries is [Mon17b, ...