The paper contains results that characterize the Donkin-Koppinen filtration of the coordinate superalgebra K[G] of the general linear supergroup G = GL(m|n) by its subsupermodulesHere, the supermodule C Γ is the largest subsupermodule of K[G] whose composition factors are irreducible supermodules of highest weight λ, where λ belongs to a finitelygenerated ideal Γ of the poset X(T ) + of dominant weights of G. A decomposition of G as a product of subsuperschemes). Using the basis of the module M Γ , given by generalized bideterminants, we describe a basis of C Γ .Since each C Γ is a subsupercoalgebra of K[G], its dual C * Γ = S Γ is a (pseudocompact) superalgebra, called the generalized Schur superalgebra. There is a natural superalgebra morphism π Γ : Dist(G) → S Γ such that the image of the distribution algebra Dist(G) is dense in S Γ . For the ideal X(T ) + l , of all weights of fixed length l, the generators of the kernel of π X(T ) + l are described.