In the paper we study the preservation of pseudocompactness (resp., countable compactness, sequential compactness, ω-boundedness, totally countable compactness, countable pracompactness, sequential pseudocompactness) by Tychonoff products of pseudocompact (and countably compact) topological Brandt λ 0 i -extensions of semitopological monoids with zero. In particular we show that ifa family of Hausdorff pseudocompact topological Brandt λ 0 i -extensions of pseudocompact semitopological monoids with zero such that the Tychonoff product {S i : i ∈ I } is a pseudocompact space then the direct product B 0 λi (S i ), τ 0 B(Si) : i ∈ I endowed with the Tychonoff topology is a Hausdorff pseudocompact semitopological semigroup. Date: September 24, 2018. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 22A15, 54H10. Key words and phrases. Semigroup, Brandt λ 0 -extension, semitopological semigroup, topological Brandt λ 0 -extension, pseudocompact space, countably compact space, countably pracompact space, sequentially compact space, ω-bounded space, totally countably compact space, countable pracompact space, sequential pseudocompact space.