“…Signs and symptoms of lichen sclerosis include pallor, itching meatal stricture, telangiectasia, petechiae, ulcers, papular lesions, bleeding, tensed foreskin, tight frenulum, dysuria, difficulty in passing urine, Quoted Baudelaire: " Quoted Baudelaire: "Nous sommes démocratisés et Nous sommes démocratisés et syphilisés syphilisés", despite the thalidomide scandal in 60ies, ", despite the thalidomide scandal in 60ies, the topical use of this drug with Goudron de Norvège the topical use of this drug with Goudron de Norvège is welcome to treat penile lichen sclerosus (PLS) is welcome to treat penile lichen sclerosus (PLS) tenderness on erections, pain, cracking, redness, and rash [1].The usual spectrum of male lichen sclerosis is wide, which often leads to significant morbidity. Sometimes, it doesn't display any symptoms, but most of the time, it looks like the preputial and urethra aren't working right, causing male dyspareunia [6].…”