33Eukaryotes use a temporally regulated process, known as the replication timing program, to 34 ensure that their genomes are fully and accurately duplicated during S phase. Replication timing 35 programs are predictive of genomic features and activity, and considered to be functional 36 readouts of chromatin organization. Although replication timing programs have been described 37 for yeast and animal systems, much less is known about the temporal regulation of plant DNA 38 replication or its relationship to genome sequence and chromatin structure. We used the 39 thymidine analog, 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine, in combination with flow sorting and Repli-Seq to 40 describe, at high-resolution, the genome-wide replication timing program for Arabidopsis 41 thaliana Col-0 suspension cells. We identified genomic regions that replicate predominantly 42 during early, mid and late S phase, and correlated these regions with genomic features and with 43 data for chromatin state, accessibility and long-distance interaction.