A closed form analytical expression for the magnetization vector distribution within the cross-tie domain wall in an isotropic ferromagnetic thin film is given. The expression minimizes the exchange energy functional exactly, and the magnetostatic energy by means of an adjustable parameter (wall width). The equilibrium value of the wall width and the film thickness corresponding to the transition between the Néel and the cross-tie walls are calculated. The results are compared with the recent experiments and are in good qualitative agreement.The structure of magnetic domain walls (transition regions separating magnetic domains) was in a focus of extensive research in 1930s -60s and during the time a lot of useful results on the static structures of various wall types as well as their dynamic properties were obtained. Many of the results on the theory of the domain walls can be found in books [1,2]. In particular, there are analytical expressions for the distribution of the magnetization vector inside of the one-dimensional Bloch and Néel domain walls, which are the starting point for calculating their static and dynamic properties.The cross-tie domain wall was also observed in a number of experiments a that time (see Ref.3 and references therein) and also with modern high resolution techniques [4,5,6], and are usual in thin and ultra-thin magnetic films important for modern applications [7]. However, there is no [4] (also see p. 163 in Ref.2) closed form analytical expression for the cross-tie wall structure. This is, probably, due to the fact that magnetization distribution even in straight cross-tie domain wall is two-dimensional (unlike one-dimensional ones of Bloch and Néel walls). It means, the structure of such a wall is defined by a system of non-linear integral (due to the long-range dipolar interactions) partial differential equations, and there is no way to reduce this system to a single equation (as it was done for the Néel wall [8]).Consider a thin film having the thickness h made of soft (isotropic) magnetic material, in the Cartesian coordinate system X, Y , Z chosen in such a way that 0Z axis is perpendicular to the film plane. The parameters of the material entering the calculation are the exchange constant C, and the saturation magnetization constant M S . If the film is thin enough, so that h is of the order of a few exchange lengths L E = C/M 2 S , the dependence of the magnetization distribution on Z can be neglected and the task becomes essentially two-dimensional. If we also neglect the dipolar interaction for a while, the magnetization distribution M ( r) = M S m( r), | m| = 1, r = {X, Y } is defined by the minimum of the exchange energy functional:where the integration runs over all X − Y plane. The last expression is given using the parametrization of the magnetization vector field by a complex function w(z, z) of a complex variable z = X+ıY , ı = √ −1, line over a variable means complex conjugation, so that m x +ım y = 2w/(1+ww) and m z = (1−ww)/(1+ww), ∂/∂z = (∂/∂X −ı∂/∂X)/2, ∂/∂z = (∂...