The use of the combination of fluoxetine, an anti-depressant serotonin uptake inhibitor, and selegiline, a monoamine oxidase -B inhibitor, was reviewed in a large population of patients with Parkinson's disease. All records were reviewed from a Parkinson's disease clinic to determine how many patients were treated simultaneously with selegiline and fluoxetine. Patient characteristics, duration and dose of treatment, side effects and reasons for discontinuation were noted. Twenty-three patients received both medications at the same time. No additional side effects were noted with the combination therapy that had not already been reported with each medication alone. No serious side effects were found. In this clinic population, fluoxetine and selegiline were used in combination without major side effects, but further observation is warranted.Resume: Fluoxetine et selegiline -absence d'interaction significative. Nous avons revu I'utilisation combined de la fluoxetine, un anti-depresseur inhibant la captation de la serotonine, et de la selegiline, un inhibiteur de la (MAO)-B, dans une grande population de patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Tous les dossiers d'une clinique de Parkinson ont ete revises pour determiner combien de patients avaient ete trails simultan^ment par la selegiline et la fluoxetine. Les caracteristiques des patients, la duree du traitement et la dose, les effets secondaires et les raisons de cessation du traitement ont ete relev6s. Vingt-trois patients ont recu les deux medicaments en meme temps. Aucun effet secondaire, qui n'avait pas et6 rapportd avec chacun des medicaments administre' en monotheYapie, n'a ete note avec la therapie combinee. Aucun effet secondaire grave n'a 6t6 rapporte. Dans la population de cette clinique, la fluoxetine et la selegiline ont ete utilisees en combinaison, sans effet secondaire majeur. Cependant d'autres observations sont requises pour certifier cette absence d'interaction significative.Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 1994; 21: 259-261 Fluoxetine and selegiline are two recently released medications. The anti-depressant fluoxetine is a serotonin uptake inhibitor. 1 Selegiline, used predominantly for enhancing the effects of levodopa in Parkinson's disease (PD), is a monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitor, 2 when used in the recommended dose of 10 mg per day. If this dose is exceeded, it is no longer a selective MAO-B inhibitor. 3 As serotonin is metabolized by MAO-A, 4 blocking this enzyme enhances serotonin's action. An interaction between nonspecific MAO inhibitors and fluoxetine can produce a "serotonin syndrome" with tremor, agitation, restlessness, confusion, hypomania, hypertension and diarrhea. 5 The risk varies with the type of MAO inhibitor, 6 and in some instances the two types of medication can be used in combination quite safely. 7 The current manufacturer's recommendation is that fluoxetine (Dista Products) should not be taken with any MAO inhibitor. Although there is little convincing evidence that the combination of fluoxetine-selegiline...